Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Updated list of props

My short film required a selection of props to compliment the story that was being told. I have updated the list of props that I used as I changed a scene in my short film which means that I didn't end up using some props and used some new ones that I didn't originally plan to use. 


To create the allusion of drugs that I needed for my short film I used self raising flour and tied it up in a small plastic bag to make it look like the drugs my character Lauren finds in the film.


I needed to use a car in my film, so I made use of one of my actors car. This was very convenient and meant that I didn't have to hire a car which would have cost money and would have run the risk of being damaged. 

Hammer, rod and knife:

These 3 replaced the Gun as my weapon in the film as I felt that purchasing a gun was a unnecessary measure when other household props would perhaps be more realistic and convenient for me when producing the film. 

Tomato ketchup:

I decided to use tomato ketchup to bloody the knife for when it falls to the ground. This was cheaper, easier and tastier than using fake blood as it is a ready accessible household item. 

Make up:

Make up was used to create bruising to the face of one of the actors for the dramatic purposes of the short film.

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