Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Cast photos and details

My short film has 3 main characters in it:
Lauren- 'The sister'
Harry- 'The brother' or 'the boy'
Carl- 'The man'

Lauren- played by Lauren Schofield

The character Lauren is the sister of Harry and discovers the drugs in the kitchen of the house. She confronts her brother, however she ends up dead after Carl presumably sends someone to shut her up so she doesn't report his illegal operation. The actor Lauren is my friend from college.

Harry- Played by Harry Campbell

The character Harry is the brother of Lauren and has been roped into selling drugs to his friends by the evil drug baron Carl. His best friend died due to the drugs he was forced to sell. When Lauren destroys the drugs he was going to sell, Harry has to meet Carl with no money but Carl takes him hostage after falsely telling him he was free to leave with some money to leave him alone after he briefly stunned him with a hammer. He awakes in a garage however after a scuffle stabs Carl and escapes, only to ring his sister who won't answer as she is dead. Harry is played by Harry Campbell, my younger brother. This is especially convenient as I can re-film scenes whenever I need to as I live with him. 

Carl- Played by Damian Campbell

Carl is a drug baron who has wormed his way into Harry's life making him sell drugs to his friends for profit. Carl reacts violently by taking Harry hostage, but ends up being stabbed in the dark in the penultimate, fatal garage scene. Carl is played by Damian Campbell, my father. Much like Harry, this is especially convenient as I can arrange to film scenes whenever I need to at short notice

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