I decided to create the SurveyMonkey as it allows you to collate responses to questions, no one has answered this survey yet as I have not sent it round but after it has been answered I will be able to see the responses to my question so I can see how these relate to my target audience and how effective my products are at reaching and satisfying these target audiences.
I created my survey on Survey Monkey and put it in the category of Education to hopefully widen the reach of my survey to collate a wider range of responses which will broaden my knowledge of my target audience.
I uploaded images of my texts, as well as my short film video so they are instantly available to view right in my survey meaning they can answer the question regarding synergy and combination effectively.
I also used the special SurveyMonkey certified questions such as 'How likely is it that you would recommend this product to a friend or colleague?' which will give you an in depth response out of 10 which will show if it has effectively reached my target audience as my target audience are likely to talk about the product on social media such as Twitter, so if my audience rate the product highly it means they are likely to share this product with their friends increasing revenue.
Create your own user feedback survey
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