Sunday, 9 November 2014

Audience feedback to my short film idea

Audience feedback to my short film idea by s0016845 on GoAnimate

My survey:
I asked 16 people two questions regarding my idea for my short film. The first question I asked was 'Does the idea for my short film sound good and feasible?'. Out of the 16 responses I recieved for this question, all 16 people said they liked the idea. This shows that my idea could be an interesting, thought provoking film which may appeal to several different target audiences as the age range of people I asked ranged from 15-40+. These responses indicate that I should continue to persue this idea and storyline whilst producing my short film.
The second question I asked the respondents was what their favourite category of short film/film was out of a list I provided. The options were Crime, Comedy and Horror. I decided to not include options such as Romance and Sci-Fi as I felt the bugetry restrictions and form (5 minutes of film) would mean these would be hard to produce to a good standard: I felt the 3 options I provided were the most realistic and suitable for the form I am working with. The responses I recieved in regard to this question were that 12 people prefered Crime (the category of my short film), 2 preferred Comedy and 2 preferred Horror. This indicates to me that a Crime fim is the most popular choice, admitedly amongst the limited focus group my questions were asked too which means that these results must be assesed with some ambiguity, however I could perhaps include elements of Horror such as suspense and thrilling scenes as including Comedy in a tense Crime short film would feel out of place and mean that the verisimilitude of the short film would be lost.

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